Friday, October 30, 2015


When I think of my journey as a Christian, I always look back on one event, which to me was the catalyst for God showing me what He called me to do, which is to teach. I was around 23, I had just started going to this small church in New Hampshire, a little battered and bruised from my time in Florida, and really needing to figure this life (Christian life) for myself. 

Our church had just decided to start community small groups, which was still a relatively new concept at the time, but they needed people to step up and lead these groups. I'm shy now, BUT I was really, really, really shy then. I remember sitting in our little group of friends, discussing this new thing we were going to do, and my friend Correne looked at me and said "You should lead a group". I don't know what I said to her after, probably as much as I could to try to get out of it. But somehow she convinced me to do it. She helped me discover my gift of teaching, because she was using her gift of encouragement.

So, my Christian friends, do you know what your gift is? Are you using it?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Pumpkin Pizza

I know I'm a little behind on my pumpkin recipes... Here's one that I really enjoyed:

1 whole wheat pizza crust (store bought or homemade)
1-1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
3/4 tsp curry powder
1 tsp Italian seasoning
2 Tbsp low sodium organic vegetable or chicken broth
2 cups baby kale
1 ½ cooked boneless skinless chicken breast cut
1 cup shredded mozzarella

Place crust on circular pizza pan
In a bowl mix puree, curry, Italian seasoning, and broth
Spread pumpkin mix on crust, add kale, add chicken, add cheese
Bake at 425 degrees for 15-20 min

Jars of Clay

I've been thinking about this verse a lot lately. I doubt myself a lot, if I can actually do what God has called me to do. The truth is I shouldn't have any faith in my ability, but realize that I am weak and inadequate for the task....It's the opposite of what you would expect to hear, right?
The thing is, God often uses the weak, because it points people to put their trust in Him, not in a person. It's always about Him, it's not about us.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Beauty From Ashes

What an incredible year it has been! This time last year, I felt like I was dying inside. Like a black hole had swallowed me up and I would never find my way out. I was angry. I couldn't understand why God would allow us to go through that (miscarriage). I mean, hadn't we been through enough?

But God's purpose is so much greater, and his ways are so much higher. I know that I've only seen a small part of what he is accomplishing from such a painful experience. My pain is never wasted, none of it has been.

Next month, I celebrate many important anniversaries: my birthday, my daughter's birthday, my first year as a Canadian citizen, and the day I decided that I would make a change with my health. The day I decided to sign up for a discount for a shake, that has turned into something that became my calling and transformed my health, my physique, my confidence. It's helped me develop leadership skills and face my fears. It's helped me to practice discipline and commitment, not only for my body and my business, but also for my faith.

Don't ever underestimate what God can do with your hurt! He's in the business of making beauty from ashes. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

My Girl's New Room

I started the process of decorating my daughter's room. I love doing kids spaces because they are so much fun and I can be as creative as I want to be. 
I chose this amazing paint color by Benjamin Moore called Iced Mauve. It's warm and soft and not too overpowering.
The curtains by Lala + Bash were a steal at HomeSense. I love them! The soft grey color is perfect. 
I also got these great canvases at HomeSense (are you getting the idea that I love this store?). It's a great place to get affordable and unique home furnishings.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Be Content

I think if we keep in mind that life is short, and we can't bring anything with us, our priorities will become more clear. 

Pumpkin Pizza

I know I'm a little behind on posting my pumpkin recipes...but I plan on posting my best ones this month! I really enjoyed trying out different pumpkin recipes. I was pleasantly surprised by some of the savory ones, like this pumpkin pizza. It was so good! I love that it's a healthy alternative to regular pizza. 

1 whole wheat pizza crust (store bought or homemade)
1-1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
3/4 tsp curry powder
1 tsp Italian seasoning
2 Tbsp low sodium organic vegetable or chicken broth
2 cups baby kale
1 ½ cooked boneless skinless chicken breast cut
1 cup shredded mozzarella

Place crust on circular pizza pan
In a bowl mix puree, curry, Italian seasoning, and broth
Spread pumpkin mix on crust, add kale, add chicken, add cheese
Bake at 425 degrees for 15-20 min

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! (Canada)

Happy Thanksgiving Canada! I am thankful that I can celebrate 2 Thanksgivings! But on a serious note, I have a lot to be thankful for:

-A savior who loves me and died to rescue me, and His patience with me everyday
-my husband
-my children
-my family far and near
-my home
-clothes to wear
-food to eat
-my awesome job
-this past year of transformation(inside and out)
-good friends (old and new)
-my health

What are you thankful for today?

Ricotta Pumpkin Cheesecake

Today's recipe is Pumpkin Ricotta Cheesecake. It tastes more like a custard pie. I made it crustless, but next time I would make a whole wheat graham cracker crust. Here's what you need:

1 container of fine ricotta cheese 
2 cups pumpkin puree 
2 eggs
1/4 cup of pure maple syrup
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Mix all ingredient and pour into a spring form pan. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

What We All Want

Isn't it our deepest desire to be known by the ones we love? Think about it. Your best friend, isn't she/he the one who just "gets" you? Think of the best gift you have ever gotten. It probably wasn't the most expensive, but the most thoughtful, and showed that the other person "knows" you.

It's an amazing feeling to be "known". How much more amazing that God knows us completely and fully, even better than we know ourselves. He "gets" us. His desire is to be known by us. The God of the universe wants each of us to get to know him deeper every day! 

Isn't this what we all want--to know and to be known, to love and to be loved, to be accepted in spite of our flaws and imperfections? God has already done all of that for us, a relationship means we make that reciprocal. We get to know him back, we love him back, He is perfect, and we accept him into our lives to make us perfect. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Pumpkin Scones

So this is the first time EVER that I made scones. My baking skills are far less developed than my cooking skills. I mean things usually tasted great, but they don't always look presentable (hence the pitifully flattened triangle below). So, this will take some practice, but one day, I will make the perfect scone (said with determination)!

Here's what you need:
2 cups of fine ground whole wheat flour
3 Tbsp coconut sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
4 Tbsp unsalted butter
3 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk
1 egg
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup fat free plain Greek yogurt
2 tsp pure vanilla extract

In a mixer combine all dry ingredients until well blended, then add wet ingredients one at a time. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat oven to 375. Toss dough on a floured surface and from a circle about 1/2 inch thick. If flour is too wet or sticky, add more flour. Form 8-12 even slices, and bake for 15-18 minutes, until edges are golden brown. Glaze with honey*


October 4 -Verse of the Day

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Healthy-er Pumpkin Mac

I LOVE macaroni & cheese! I'm okay with the box stuff, but the real cheesy, bubbly, southern mac & good! It's one of my favorite comfort foods, especially this time of year!
Well, I've been on a bit of a physical transformation over the past year, and have significantly changed how I eat. I still like to indulge here and there, but for the most part, I like to keep it clean and healthy. 
This recipe is still really rich. There is A LOT of cheese! But I made a few substitutions to cut out some of the calories, and add a few more nutrients. 

Here's what you need for this delicious Pumpkin Mac:
1 box whole wheat penne, cooked al dente
1 lb cooked ground beef
1 1/2 cups broccoli florets
3 TBSP unsalted butter
3 TBSP flour
3 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp paprika
1 TBSP dijon mustard
2 1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
3/4 cup parmesan cheese
3/4 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs

1)Mix first 3 ingredients, place in a lightly greased casserole dish. set aside.
2)In a pot, over medium heat, make a roux by whisking together the butter and flour. 
3)Add milk, seasoning, and mustard, continue to whisk until boiling.
4)Add cheeses. When completely melted, add pumpkin.
5)Pour mixture over the pasta and coat completely.
6)Top with bread crumbs, and a little more cheese, and dot with butter.
7)Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes, or until golden and bubbly


October 3rd Verse of the Day

If I had to narrow down one thing that I struggle with: fear. Fear of change, fear of challenges, fear of people, fear of failure, fear of vulnerability. Fear has ruled my life for so long! I was always a shy person, and I'm pretty positive I suffer from some form of social anxiety disorder. However, over the past year, I have really challenged myself to push past my fears and do the things that scare me. A funny thing is, I was always glad that I did them.

How many experiences have I forfeited because of my fear? It is still very much a struggle for me, but I am not allowing fear to have the final say anymore.

Have you experienced fear in your life? How have you overcome it?

Friday, October 2, 2015

When Dobies Attack!

Minding my business, trying to do my Insanity workout .....this is life with Dobermann. 

October 2 - Verse of the Day

Pumpkin Recipe Time! But First--the Puree!

Here we go! If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I just finished posting 30 pumpkin recipes in the month of September. Facebook isn't the easiet place to go back and find those recipes, so this month on Fly Bella Fly, I will repost them for my fellow pumpkin lovers. You're welcome!

The first one I am going to post, because it is officially pumpkin season, is how to make pumpkin puree. It's so much easier than I thought it was going to be!

All you need are pie pumpkins (1 pumpkin makes about 1.5 cups of puree), a bit of coconut oil.
Simply wash your pumpkins and LIGHTLY coat with coconut oil (too much will make your kitchen really smokey and make a mess of your oven...just take my word on this).

Place pumpkins whole on a baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 45-60 min. Let them cool.

Once pumpkins have cooled, simply peel off the skin, and easily remove seeds. Place the flesh in a food processor, and blend until smooth.

I stored my pumpkin in freezer bags and stored in the freezer for the next time I decide to pumpkin everything.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1 - Verse of the Day

I'm really trying to live this verse out, especially in my business as a fitness coach. I want everything I do to honor God, and for His love to shine through me and on to the people that I work with. Doing this is so important because:

1) It means that I am giving my absolute best, and it's not done out of selfishness, or ambition, but to please God.

2) I don't need to be worried if I don't feel like I am being received well or appreciated, because I'm doing this for God, so it doesn't matter.

It keeps me in check, and keeps my focus on the right things. Really, it's a win-win-win!

Is there a verse in the Bible that you are seeking to apply in your life right now?

Intro to Fly Bella Fly

Hey!! I'm blogging....again! If you randomly happen upon this blog, here is a little about me. My name is Sharla. I grew up outside of Boston, and I now live in Canada. I am married to a wonderful man with whom I have two beautiful children who keep my life very busy.
I also work from home full time as a fitness coach. I help people reach their weight loss and fitness goals, mainly online. I will be sharing how that all happened to this former couch potato another time.
So what will this blog be about? Basically the four "F"s . My Faith, my Family, my Food, and my Fitness.
I know many of you are coming here from my Facebook page and all you want to know is WHERE ARE THE RECIPES?? They're coming...stay tuned!